Make-up a krása blog pondelok ankety, zv. 714
So…what is the Monday Poll?
Vynikajúca otázka! Nie je, na rozdiel od svojho mena, skutočný prieskum, ako s malými tlačidlami CLICKY. Je to len zoznam viacerých alebo menej náhodných otázok, ktoré som na tomto blogu vysielal každý pondelok ráno za minulosť Quadrillion rokov (od roku 2007).
1. Sweet, salty or spicy?
Sweet, always.
2. super sticky lipgloss: yes or no?
These days, no.
3. someone you plan to see this week?
My pal Kelly. She’s the mom of Coywolf’s bestie from preschool, and we became buddies two years ago.
4. Coffee today?
Yes, yes and yes. I had my first cup when I woke up at 6:00 a.m., and now I’m looking forward to a decaf or a half-calf at lunch.
5. jumpsuit or dress?
Both! but if I had to pick one, I’d go with a dress with pockets.
Mačky a make-up mikiny?
42 dolárov
Nakupuj teraz
6. What’s for lunch today?
A big bowl of fresh, crunchy veggies (I’m trying to get in my five servings every day), and an Amy’s frozen meal. have you ever had the Indian Mattar Paneer? TAK DOBRÉ. I’m craving it today.
7. A fun game you like to play?
Connor has a bingo game for kids called Zingo that I really enjoy, LOL! If you have any children in your life and you need a present, I highly recommend it!
8. What’s on your lips today?
Ilia tinted Balmy Gloss in Tahiti, my favorite for video meetings.
9. Something good that happened to you in January?
I started reading again before bed and finished quite a few books. It’s fun, and it makes me feel good!
Vaša priateľská susedská krása,
P.S. Tu sú otázky na kopírovanie / paste s odpoveďami v komentári. Čoskoro sa porozprávajte s ya.
1. Sweet, salty or spicy?
2. super sticky lipgloss: yes or no?
3. someone you plan to see this week?
4. Coffee today?
5. jumpsuit or dress?
6. What’s for lunch today?
7. A fun game you like to play?
8. What’s on your lips today?
9. Something good that happened to you in January?
P.p.s. šťastný pondelok! I hope that this week brings you so many good things. sending you a big hug!